Wednesday, February 27, 2008

England is getting closer

The time is getting closer and closer. I probably don't even realise exactly how close it is until we are jetsetting our ways across the globe. I'm getting more excited about the close I am going to wear while I am there. I'm excited to wear coats and scalves. Where I live the most exciting you can get is wearing a dress. It's not really the style capital of Australia, so you'd look like an idiot walking down the street all done up in nice layers of clothing. So thats my main drive of excitement to look forward to.

It's going to be great to get away from work again. It's been nice, lately I'll goto work for 2 months and then take some holidays, go back for another 2 months and then take some more... it's how working life should be! I still do not know what position I will be in when I come back. I'm really hoping just to reduce my hours and I feel the toll it is putting on my life and I dont even have a house and kids yet!

I'm really hoping that just maybe my boyfriend might actually really miss me while I am gone. We joke that he wont, and that he will be able to get away from me for awhile. It's so hard trying to teach him things. I've been trying to help him get his finances back in order. Trying to get him to pay his bills and save some sort of money. I feel like a nagging whore most of the time.

I'm getting really fucking sick of our time together being made up mostly of him drinking all night, and then spending the whole day sleeping off that drinking. I'm feeling right back at the bottom of his list and it's making me sad. I don't know what to do about it. Should I shrug it off as him being just a younger guy and still thinks hanging at the pub every day is how a man should spend his time? Or should I tell him to get fucked and call me when he wants to put me before the drinking? argh. Either way I'm going to be the bad person no matter what, even though I'm trying to help him out and help us out.


I've got to go get my travel insurance organised today and pick up my ticket... it will start to become real once I've got that in my hand!

Oh and P.S. I've been thinking about it, and if I die can you please tell my Mum my website. I'd like them to have a little part of me if I'm gone.


Blogger D.B. Echo said...

I vote for option 2. It gets you off his back, and lets him decide what his priorities are. And it frees you up from the thankless task of trying to get someone to change a behavior they need to change when they haven't realized they need to change it yet. Choose option 1 and you may be caught in an unending cycle. Choose option 2 and he may very well just go off in his own direction. Or he may realize what a fantastic woman he's let walk away and decide to change himself to win you back.

When is the trip? When is the trip? England is quite cold in the Spring, and everybody wears lots of black - at least they did in March of 2006. And all the girls all dress like high-class prostitutes on Saturdauy nights. (Come to think of it, maybe those WERE high-class prostitutes.)

One bit of advice: take extra (non-rechargeable) batteries with you. You can't count on your recharger not blowing up when you plug it into a converter/adaptor plug. Also, pop out your memory card and carry it on your person on the plane. That way you may lose your camera, but not your memory card!

Oh, and HAVE FUN! London is a great little town! are going to London, right?

BTW, do people still come by regularly who know how to contact your mum? If not, who should we contact? Rhi (Munted Mess), or other Rhi (Rhitard/Rhi Rocks)?

February 27, 2008 at 9:57 AM  
Blogger mojo shivers said...

Traveling is fun. I'm going to envy you the whole time you're in London.

As for what to do, telling someone to grow up is very confrontational. I'd couch it in the vernacular of you wishing you could spend more time with him. It makes you sound like you're the one who needs to change, to which he'd be more receptive to offer to meet you halfway.

February 27, 2008 at 7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh dont be silly. theres only 3 ways you can die in England: 1) if your airplane explodes 2) a terrorist subway bomb
3) some guy shagging you to death in his apartment.

Now, considering that airplanes almost never EXPLODE in the air.(instead they smash into buildings or mabye there is some kind of death hole in the side that causes it to burn as it crashes into the side of a mountain while the cute little passengers SCREAM their little lungs out). Okay, now you dont have to worry about any silly 'explosions'.

Next. if some guy is shagging you to death in his apartment then you most certainly will not be in the subway. and thereby will not be be affected by said terrorist bomb. Seee No Bomb Problems.

Like you said....

"I feel like a nagging whore most of the time."

It doesnt matter to us.

You are OUR "nagging whore"...and we LOVE you for it!!!

February 29, 2008 at 12:32 PM  
Blogger ruggedo said...

Allow yourself to have a great time. Make a list of things you want to see and do. You probably wont get to them all,but it gives you a starting point.You'll be fine, and have a lot of fun too.
Its been my experience that guys change or done change on their own,and women can make themselves crazy trying. You just decide what you can or cant take and draw your own lines.

March 4, 2008 at 5:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding the question: "Should I shrug it off as him being just a younger guy and still thinks hanging at the pub every day is how a man should spend his time? Or should I tell him to get fucked and call me when he wants to put me before the drinking?"

I strongly urge the latter option. No woman should have to put up with that sort of crap, especially YOU.

Move on Sammie, you deserve better.

March 9, 2008 at 7:36 PM  
Blogger Neal said...

he doesn't love you and it's strange.

sorry, i just passed by...

March 18, 2008 at 8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you need any help while you're over here drop me a line. I'm the creepy, greasy, weirdo stalker who emailed you a few years back. No need to fear me though, I can barely make it to the toilet these days - so no threat physically (only psychologically).

Chris Light

March 27, 2008 at 7:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm in England, not younger and don't live for the pub... I do enjoy it now and then though. ;-)

Probably not too helpful though lol!

March 27, 2008 at 10:49 PM  
Blogger D.B. Echo said...

So...umm...have you gone there yet?

April 13, 2008 at 6:18 AM  
Blogger D.B. Echo said...

It is - or, rather, was - ANZAC Day. I miss your ANZAC Day posts. Haven't heard from you in a really long time, no seen any traces of you online. For all I know, you may have been to England and come back. I hopre everything is all right. I miss you.

April 26, 2008 at 9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

May 13, 2008 at 12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geeze, I remember the good ole days, like in the spring of 2002 =/ when the beautiful Sammie came online on her yellowish golden(ish) grainy cam, from a hard day at work...and the little caption on the bottom "I got yelled at by a customer at work today"....and still she'd have her sweetest smile on the cam :) I really remember those days though =/ maybe it was when I had more time to think.

That was 6 years ago? =/ Hope you are having fun wherever you are.

...I figured I'd drop by every 6 years ta see how you're doin' ;)

May 13, 2008 at 12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! My how you've grown! Have an outstanding time in England, Sammie. Glad you see you're still around! :D

June 7, 2008 at 8:09 AM  

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