Race day finally arrived!
Our local race day was held back a couple of months due to the EI going around. I didn't have as much fun as I usually do, it was actually kind of an odd day, but still one of the best days of the year for me!
It started off raining but then fined up. I got to see some of my mates that I hadn't seen for awhile and I got to spend a couple of hours with one of my best buddies. Naturally we were missing the usual crew that we have when the races are on. But because it was on a Saturday instead of a Thursday, not many people could make it. Plus the friend I usually hang around is currently living in England.
I didn't get many photos at all, but here is one of my cousin and I drinking on the front line.

I had my work Xmas party afterwards and that was also fun. We got back to town late though and I missed the curfew to get into the club by about 5 minutes! I rang my boyfriend who was inside the club, and we were talking to each other on the phone and looking at each other through the big glass entry doors. He finished his drink and then came out to meet me and we decided to go home.
Had a pretty good weekend all round. Cruisey, but fun and I got to spend some good times with him and my friends.
We've been doing a bit of fishing lately and since I've uploaded a photo, I figured I'd upload a couple. (I finally got a new monitor after a couple of months without one) This one is a picture of my boyfriend holding the Flathead fish that I caught one night on the beach. I didn't even know it was on the line. After we got it off the hook, we chucked it at the pelican that was hanging around and he ate it. Was a nice night :)