These moments
Sunny, Sunday afternoons at home are my favourite. I only get them twice a month, so I cherish them when I can.
I've perfected my white chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies. It's taken me a couple of months now, but finally after following instructions exactly, they are starting to turn out deliciously. You really can notice the difference from when you use butter to when you use margarine. I use whatever it is that's in my fridge.
It's funny how much your life and values change when you move out of home, live in your own space and connect on a new level with your partner. I find I really think more about what to cook, and wanting to spoil Jimmy - Unless he doesn't come home early... Then I cook nothing for dinner and tell him I hate to cook something and leave it in the microwave for him to have later.
This week we haven't had a home cooked meal to share all week. It's been one of those crazy times lately. My work is very long hours at the moment. His are school hours with a follow up at the pub afterwords.
I just don't know how women out there can change their man for the better? I've tried a few different ways to encourage him not to waste his money so much on the social life. Teaching him to sort his money out into all the bills he needs to pay, and most of the time there's nothing left over for him to waste. But that's lucky if he even has work that week, and if he does - does he even get paid on time? not usually.
I'm looking forward to a few weeks off work soon. Time to wind down and relax before the Christmas season is upon us. I really wanted to save up and have a few days away with Jim by ourselves. Left see if I can get him to save for that too. Sometimes I think how nice it would be just to have that money to waste again. I still live my life as though I don't have bills to pay, and so far I still have money in the bank. I know I need to settle myself down a little bit before it's too late and I can't afford the dreams I have for the future.
And now the sun has vanished and my afternoon is coming to an end. It just doesn't last long enough to enjoy.
These are what I miss, the daily life of one Miss Sammie. It's nice to hear from you again.
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